Message from Leiden
One of the Japanese traits I find very difficult to handle is the "going behind your back" way of doing things here. Five of the students here just received an angry message from our professor in Leiden that our marks are not up to par. Apparently the guy in charge here, Mr. Takano decided to hop on a plane to Holland in order to convey this to our professor instead of confronting us with the results (we still haven't seen any yet) and maybe try and find a way to improve our individual results by examining the way we study. But no such luck. Apparently our professor even had to apologize for our poor performance.........
Threats seem to be really in these days and even our professor has succumbed to it: "If we do not perform better we will endanger future funding and exchange programs and make the name of our famed University a laughing stock".
Some people really know how to motivate their students.........
I recall a meeting once with him where he stated that one's input and participation are valued more highly here then the end results. Apparently not....
Some people are a little slow but try and do their best...well to no avail apparently.
Thank god I'm leaving this narrow minded country shortly for a break in Malaysia......
Spending almost 6 months here has definitely taking away the luster from the study...... meeting Japanese teachers has not been a particular positive experience and apart from being able to speak better Japanese then before there really hasn't been anything of value that was thaught to me.
One of the Japanese traits I find very difficult to handle is the "going behind your back" way of doing things here. Five of the students here just received an angry message from our professor in Leiden that our marks are not up to par. Apparently the guy in charge here, Mr. Takano decided to hop on a plane to Holland in order to convey this to our professor instead of confronting us with the results (we still haven't seen any yet) and maybe try and find a way to improve our individual results by examining the way we study. But no such luck. Apparently our professor even had to apologize for our poor performance.........
Threats seem to be really in these days and even our professor has succumbed to it: "If we do not perform better we will endanger future funding and exchange programs and make the name of our famed University a laughing stock".
Some people really know how to motivate their students.........
I recall a meeting once with him where he stated that one's input and participation are valued more highly here then the end results. Apparently not....
Some people are a little slow but try and do their best...well to no avail apparently.
Thank god I'm leaving this narrow minded country shortly for a break in Malaysia......
Spending almost 6 months here has definitely taking away the luster from the study...... meeting Japanese teachers has not been a particular positive experience and apart from being able to speak better Japanese then before there really hasn't been anything of value that was thaught to me.
At 11:26 pm,
Anonymous said…
Nee, dat kan toch niet? Of zijn de cijfers zo slecht?? gelukkig heb je geen bindend studieadvies meer.
At 1:49 am,
Anonymous said…
Well what can you expect from a country that attacked Pearl Harbour before they officially declared war...
You sound really down Paul. As you said before it really is the participation in the whole experience that counts and you certainly have had some experiences. Just look back at some of the blog entries. And no one can ever say that you haven't participated. Get one of the girls or boys to say that one of the lectures molested them!! Go directly to the police without giving them any warning. That should upset them for a while. I know - not exactly fair but then neither are they.
Look to the bright side - Paul will be there in the not too distant future. That's going to be a high point for you. My advice is to take revenge on the entire restaurant community of Nagasaki by going to the "as much as you can drink in 2 hours" places and drinking them dry. Bankrupt the bastards.
Right - back to work.
Chin up, stiff upper lip. Don't let the bastards grind you down.
At 12:33 am,
Anonymous said…
Moet ik even langskomen, potverdrie! Jullie doen hartstikke je best so far away from home. Laat je niet kisten hoor! Misschien moet je stroopwafels maken om de goden gunstig te stemmen....
Martin en Walter
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