
Well just downed the 1st G&T cause we finished our exams 試験 ...... after a truly grueling time for me anyway. And I think they went O.K. as far as I,m concerned. Had a truly horrible night..stressed out and for what... It appears the 1st exam counted for 20% and the 2nd for 10% of the total mark. Attendance, participation and handing in your homework counts for 90% and 80%. For some people that's going to be tough cause there is clause that you must have an attendance rate of at least 80% to qualify for a credit anyway... So much for this schooling system.
Going for dinner later and not just with one beer.........

At 1:16 am,
Anonymous said…
Is Diana very large or is that door really that small. Is it perhaps the home of Santa's elves - I believe they are very small!!
Well all that fuss over exams. What a rotten lot they are. I bet you did really well though. You are a credit to the Netherlands. They will speak of you in Nagasaki long after you've returned to the social whirl of Amsterdam. Speaking of which - how is Poppins?
Am absolutely broke at the moment so as you well know that's the time to spend recklessly. I bought a satellite navigation system for the car. I just love it. Never get lost going to a shag's house again - joking!! Got it in Tesco. They had an offer and a further 10% off. Couldn't resist.
Well back to work to pay for the thing.
Take care
At 6:43 pm,
Anonymous said…
He Paul.
Staat een leuke verassing te wachten als je weer in eliden gaat studeren. Guess what. Opkomst plicht voor colleges. En met een mailtje ik ben ziek red je het niet. Er moet maar liefst een heel papier ingevuld worden voor de docent en de studie coordinatrice.
At 6:44 pm,
Anonymous said…
Mijn vriendje heeft tegenwoordig ook een blog. Hij heeft niet heel veel meer te melden dan jouw man maar toch.
Liefs, Rianne
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