Real Vacation....
Today is the I have been really looking forward to....hop on the bus to Fukuoka, stay a night and then continue tomorrow morning onto Kuala Lumpur for a whopping 9 days to be with hubby and to escape this place for a while.
Days of shopping, Poolside G&T's and in general the good life await me...... both in KL and in Georgetown, Penang. Staying in the überhip Maya hotel in KL and in the Eastern & Oriental Hotel in Penang (see pool picture)
Will see lotsa friends in KL too, Isaac, Susan and maybe Tony too.
A friend of Kim, called Kars is staying in my room for a while so apart from Rudy the place won't be deserted completely.
So I will not be updating my blog for a while... "zannen né" so you'll just have to cope but I'm sure you'll manage.
See ya..

Days of shopping, Poolside G&T's and in general the good life await me...... both in KL and in Georgetown, Penang. Staying in the überhip Maya hotel in KL and in the Eastern & Oriental Hotel in Penang (see pool picture)
Will see lotsa friends in KL too, Isaac, Susan and maybe Tony too.
A friend of Kim, called Kars is staying in my room for a while so apart from Rudy the place won't be deserted completely.
So I will not be updating my blog for a while... "zannen né" so you'll just have to cope but I'm sure you'll manage.
See ya..
At 7:08 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hope you have the best time. You really deserve a break.
Without your blog I will be completely lost. I will suffer blog withdrawal which is particularly painful at my age.
Take care and speak soon
Love to Poppins - and anyone else I know.
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