Hiroshi Abe (Osaka III)
On my last day in Osaka, Teru and I dediced to go to the Floating Garden Observatory on top of the Umeda Sky Building 梅田スカイビル , a modern and sleek looking arch, almost like La Defense in Paris. The point is that there is no garden. One should apparently look out over Osaka and think of Osaka as a garden (if I understood the Kanji correctly). It offers a stunning 360 degree view over Osaka.
There is an exhibition about a new movie by B
runo Ganz called baruto no gakuen バルトの楽園, literally translated from the German "Musikgarten der Bärte" or in English "music garden of the beards". There was a POW for german soldiers during WW I in Japan and they created a small orchestra. The main Japanese character Iko is played by Hiroshi Abe ... a very good looking Japanese guy. He's 42, not married so there is a lot of speculation about him.
What do you think... straight or gay...?
In the Museum of Modern Art in Osaka, which is an underground museum with just an architectural piece sticking out, there is apart from the Picassos and Anselm Kiefers also a lot of Japanese modern art and the one person who in my view really stands out is Yasumasu Morimura. He inserts his own face into photographic copies of the paintings of fundamental icons of Western art such as the Mona Lisa and Vincent van Gogh's self portrait where he's just cut off his ear.
Like everything else all good things come to an end so after a late lunch I went back to Nagasaki by Shinkansen and regular express. There is an enormous tunnel connecting Honshu and Kyushu and the train takes about 10 minutes to get through it.
Can only say what a great town. Will definitely go again.
Last year during a religious anthropology lecture by Margarita Winkel at Leiden University we talked about a little temple in the Hanyaku Station in Osaka and how it was preserved despite the railway company wanting to destroy it. And I actually saw it. It's tiny and now it is used mainly by commuters since the locals have moved away to the outskirts of town.

There is an exhibition about a new movie by B

What do you think... straight or gay...?

Like everything else all good things come to an end so after a late lunch I went back to Nagasaki by Shinkansen and regular express. There is an enormous tunnel connecting Honshu and Kyushu and the train takes about 10 minutes to get through it.
Can only say what a great town. Will definitely go again.
Last year during a religious anthropology lecture by Margarita Winkel at Leiden University we talked about a little temple in the Hanyaku Station in Osaka and how it was preserved despite the railway company wanting to destroy it. And I actually saw it. It's tiny and now it is used mainly by commuters since the locals have moved away to the outskirts of town.
At 11:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Just a quick correction "similar agreement as to not bombing the Cathedral in Cologne" Not so - we just missed.
Anyway I'm back from my sister's Civil Partnership ceremony in Edinburgh. Was really well done and the reception was at their home for close friends in the afternoon and for the "b" list in the evening. It was catered so no cleaning up afterwards. It was fun but I'm now completely Lesbianed Out - if that means anything. Lesbians, trans-genders, gays, a few stright couples and bascially any "trans" you can imagine. I stopped trying to work out who was what sex at birth after about an hour. All very confusing but they were all nice people if a little too religious for my liking.
Well you certainly seem to be continuing your first class tour of Japan. You couldn't have got me to the top of that garden building for love nor money. Hate heights. I could appreciate the garden it seems from ground level anyway. Do like that Japanese actor. It may be wishfull thinking but I reckon he's gay. Send him over.
David is still with us and is doing well. Job is still vile and I can't wait to find something else. Prostitution is beginning to look attractive!!
Right I must be off. Keep having fun and take care
At 12:59 am,
Anonymous said…
Drought update!
The sun is out, it's warm and people are sunbathing in Hyde Park - a revolting sight I can assure you.
At 6:28 pm,
Anonymous said…
Drought Update
Well I suppose they told us so. They were just a bit advanced with their warning. It's another beautiful day and they say it will last all through the weekend with temps up to 30 degrees. That's it with the weather forecast.
Remember I told you I applied to become a magistrate? Well I succeeded in the first interview and have a second interview on the 29th. Hope it goes as well as the first one. By 2007 I could be Christopher Seabury J.P. Scary thought. Only wish it paid rather than being voluntary but then I suppose that would defeat the point. Hope all is well in the land of the rising sun. Miss ya.
Chris xxx
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