Mori Tower ( Tokyo IV)
Last visit was to the famous Mori Tower in Roppongi where mister Mori has created this immense building with observatory and art museum on the 52nd floor. This area apparently has the highest real estate prices in Tokyo. There was an exhibit on modern African Art called Africa Remix. Loved Samuel Fosso with his series of self portraits from sailor, drag to the chief who sold his people into slavery (see picture).
As stated before the world is a small place indeed.
I ran into Donald Fountaine at Advocates together with a friend of his called Chris who lives and works in Singapore, Bangkok and Tokyo. It was so nice to have witty repartee once again and just laugh your head off over a couple of G&Ts while checking out the comings and goings of everybody. Chris has tons of iron on his body where one can only see the ones dangling from his earlobes and has to imagine the where the other two kilos are.
Was late for my dinner with Damion. We met at the überhip Cafe Montoak in Ometosando (designed by ken Hashimoto in 2002) for more G&T and Caipirinha. Had Okonomiyaki in Shinjuku and then just hit the nightlife. I danced for the first time since years and was checked out as well. I made me feel really good. The drink to have at Arty Farty is called "Okinawa"...Japanese shochu with cranberry juice. Tastes like lemonade but has a great overall effect. Arrived home around 03.30 and just fell into bed. Woke up at 11.00 so had to do without breakfast; made it just in time to the airport and snoozed all the way to Nagasaki.
Had dinner at Milan, an indian restaurant, with Alex and Christoph (who's back here till the end of July).
Early night............
Two more weeks to go before Pim, Hans and Marco arrive. 楽しみしてるよ

As stated before the world is a small place indeed.
I ran into Donald Fountaine at Advocates together with a friend of his called Chris who lives and works in Singapore, Bangkok and Tokyo. It was so nice to have witty repartee once again and just laugh your head off over a couple of G&Ts while checking out the comings and goings of everybody. Chris has tons of iron on his body where one can only see the ones dangling from his earlobes and has to imagine the where the other two kilos are.

Had dinner at Milan, an indian restaurant, with Alex and Christoph (who's back here till the end of July).
Early night............
Two more weeks to go before Pim, Hans and Marco arrive. 楽しみしてるよ
At 6:22 pm,
Anonymous said…
I turn my back for 5 minutes and you've written chapters of new stuff. How can I possibly keep up.
Had a great weekend. Paul arrived safe and sound on Saturday. I picked him up at Hounslow East and we headed back to Weavers Close. Sandra came up from Brighton and we had a really pleasant time soaking up the sun (and some wine) with nibbly bits and a light lunch. Paul took us out later to the Coffee Pot for a thai dinner - you remember that place. Free concert!
Later Paul went to the do and I picked him up when he got back at the station.
It was far too short a stay. He had the rest of the do the next day. The weather was so good on Saturday we had 3 friends over for lunch. Another success. Must be down to my cooking.
Loved you story about the opera man. So not you!!! He must have money if he can afford those prices for the Opera. I though Covent Garden was bad but it's nothing like that price for the "Gods".
Well I must go. Not long now until you're back with us. Miss you. Take care
At 10:56 pm,
Anonymous said…
Is Okonomiyaki any relation to Issy? I feel we should be told.
At 10:57 pm,
Anonymous said…
In case you didn't guess that last comment was from me
At 11:34 pm,
Anonymous said…
Now I know no one believed me about the water company causing the drought so I've attached this artice from the BBC. Whether or not this has any relevance or not - Thames Water is a German owned company - I leave to your judgement.
"Thames Water misses leak target
Thames Water is encouraging customers to save water
Thames Water has missed its target for reducing leakages for the third year in a row.
The firm also announced a 31% rise in pre-tax profits to £346.5m.
Though the volume of water lost has reduced, it still shed 894 million litres per day to leaks - a performance regulator Ofwat called "unacceptable".
The company has enforced a hosepipe ban and is now asking for a drought order covering two million of its eight million customers.
The ban would affect London and small parts of Kent and Surrey. The housepipe ban applies to all customers.
'Supply commitments'
The company's poor leakage performance is not only inefficient, it is also contributing to water shortages
Clickable drought map: check your area
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Anger over leaks
Ofwat had set a target of losing no more than 860 million litres of water a day - which Thames missed by 34 million litres a day.
In 2004/05, it missed its target by ten million litres a day.
In a damning statement, the regulator said that "given its current leakage performance we are concerned that the company may not meet future leakage targets or its security of supply commitments".
Ofwat said customers were paying the higher prices Thames Water had been allowed to charge - an average increase of 24% over 2005 to 2010, excluding inflation - without getting all the benefits the company had promised to deliver.
2000-01: 688
2001-02: 865
2002-03: 943
2003-04: 946
2004-05: 915
2005-06: 894
Source: Ofwat
It added: "Although the current drought is the result of below-average rainfall for two consecutive winters, we expect Thames Water to set a good example by controlling its leakage.
"The company's poor leakage performance is not only inefficient, it is also contributing to water shortages that have led Thames Water to impose a hosepipe ban and seek a drought order."
It said Thames Water should spend as much as necessary "to remedy its leakage failure" and give customers value for money as well as a secure supply.
Has legal duty to make sure water firms comply with their licences, which set out their operating conditions
Can issue enforcement orders for firms which breach their licences
Can fine companies 10% of their turnover for breaches of licence or failure to meet standards
Can change a firm's licence
The firm, which is owned by German utility group RWE, said it was "disappointed" to have missed the target, despite reducing leakage to its lowest level for four years.
"It is immensely frustrating that despite our strenuous efforts to reduce leakage we have missed our target," said Jeremy Pelczer, Thames Water's chief executive.
"We remain committed to achieving our target over the full five-year regulatory period."
On the profits, Mr Pelczer added: "In the face of a challenging year for Thames Water and the whole sector, we are pleased to deliver a good set of results."
'Real difficulties'
But the customers' group, the Consumer Council For Water said Ofwat should look what could be done to deter Thames from missing their leakage targets in future.
"Thames have continued to miss their targets for the past five years. It is completely unacceptable as customers are being asked to restrict their water use", spokesman Andrew Marsh said.
"They are making big profits and there's a credibility gap between making large profits and asking customers to save water.
"If the drought order they want is granted, they will have real difficulties getting customers onside."
He added: "People are paying more for their water bills and have every right to expect what they are paying for, which is a service that includes all the benefits the company has promised to deliver." "
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