Aki Tominaga....

The University of Leiden all of a sudden informs us that we will not get a genaral scholarship for this year in Nagasaki....how erratic and warped can you be with all the students already here..!!!
It certainly needs to clean up its act..among other things. God knows maybe our delightful Professor Boot (Department head of Japanese Studies) can do something about it.
Apart from that we were introduced to our tutors (very handy indeed) who will help us with all kinds of things (especially the bureaucratic ones). Mine is called Aki (see picture) a very nice girl indeed, who thinks that gay marriage is totally COORU (cool). Went to City Hall to apply for 'Alien registration card" wich will take another two weeks to process..then I can apply for a 'cell phone' and bankaccount, needed for all kinds of verification.

Had drinks with everybody at the wharf again (our local favourite hangout) and showed Alexandra (now with blond hair) (finally arrived after being bumped off an oversold flight by Cathay Pacific, but 600 euro richer) where we are staying...she loved it ...so not !!
Anyway today we have orientation day..to familiarize ourselves with life on the campus and life in Japan in general.
Will keep you informed....
Thanks everybody for your nice comments and emails......
Just heard that we will have X-mas vacation after all...back to Amsterdam???
At 10:09 pm,
Agnoek said…
Hey Paul,
how was the placement test?
And how about the scholarship? I thought everything was settled. Apperently not!
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