Misora Hibari
After having been a little "under the weather" as the English say, a little sick that is....I'm back on my feet and running. Went to the University Hospital for a check-up (met a really nice doctor of tropical medicine, called Yoshimune, who did the examination) and she even phoned back to give me the results. No Crypto-sporidium, Amoeba Dysentry or Giardia to be found as a possible cause of the tremendous diarrhea I suffered. It's now in a lab and as soon as anything shows she will let me know. Diarrhea is called geri下痢, the same word for excretia, the shits etc. No medical term is used. The examination lasted only a short while but all the paperwork once again made me stay there for more than two hours...typical.
Things are improving though and my appetite is defenitely back.
Had dinner with Mads and Alexandra & Christoph last saturday in this really nice place ( owner, wife and the cook at the right)where we had Yakitori やきとり(roated pieces of chicken and/or vegeatbles on a skewer) and tenpura 天ぷら (big prawns and vegetables coated in a batter and then deep fried) but also clams, asari アサリ and scallops, hotate ホタテ...delicious and a treat from the owners.
On top of that we received a bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau from a guest (on the right) in the restaurant.
I think it's the mere beauty and sophistication we radiate that makes people behave like that...don't you think?
They had songs playing by a singer called Misora Hibari 美空・ひばり, very well know torch song performer who died in 1989. She is performer of Enka, popular japanese songs but in a traditional style with a high tear jerking quality. Very nice music indeed.

Had dinner with Mads and Alexandra & Christoph last saturday in this really nice place ( owner, wife and the cook at the right)where we had Yakitori やきとり(roated pieces of chicken and/or vegeatbles on a skewer) and tenpura 天ぷら (big prawns and vegetables coated in a batter and then deep fried) but also clams, asari アサリ and scallops, hotate ホタテ...delicious and a treat from the owners.

On top of that we received a bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau from a guest (on the right) in the restaurant.
I think it's the mere beauty and sophistication we radiate that makes people behave like that...don't you think?

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