Back in Nagasaki again
After an absolute fabulous two weeks in Amsterdam I safely arrived back in Nagasaki last sunday the 8th January after a long trip. It takes about 22 hours from door to door.
Saw a lot of friends and family and unfortunately I wasn't able to see everybody that I wanted to see. It was tough leaving with Paul taking me to the airport but once in the aircraft it felt OK.
Alex picked me up from Nagasaki Station 長崎駅前 , had coffee and headed back home for a home cooked meal. Realized that I couldn't read a thing anymore (in japanese that is) so it will be tough starting again.
The older you get the worse the jetlag becomes....having a hard time adjusting to my new rythm. Missed already my first lecture at 08.50 this morning.
Going to have dinner tomorrow evening with Saul Helfenbein, a american friend of Tim Mackay, who will be spending a year at Nagasaki University doing research or something at the department of Collaborative Studies (whatever that is). Will find out more tomorrow.
Put some new lights up in my room ( a gift from Paul all the way from Pnom Penh) and viewed 5 new episodes of Stargate Atlantis.
Did send a package with foodstuff from Holland but it hasn't arrived yet...bummer!!
Yesterday was a public holiday, seijin no hi 成人の日 , celebrating the coming of age of boys and girls who turned twenty during the past year from April thru April. The parade through the town in Kimono's and other garb..very festive indeed. Even Penny, taiwanese, took part in the ritual and her friend Claudia decided to go along. It's rather important since as of now they officially can vote but also smoke, drink en get married without their parents consent. In other words they're officially adults.
Saw a lot of friends and family and unfortunately I wasn't able to see everybody that I wanted to see. It was tough leaving with Paul taking me to the airport but once in the aircraft it felt OK.
Alex picked me up from Nagasaki Station 長崎駅前 , had coffee and headed back home for a home cooked meal. Realized that I couldn't read a thing anymore (in japanese that is) so it will be tough starting again.
The older you get the worse the jetlag becomes....having a hard time adjusting to my new rythm. Missed already my first lecture at 08.50 this morning.
Going to have dinner tomorrow evening with Saul Helfenbein, a american friend of Tim Mackay, who will be spending a year at Nagasaki University doing research or something at the department of Collaborative Studies (whatever that is). Will find out more tomorrow.
Put some new lights up in my room ( a gift from Paul all the way from Pnom Penh) and viewed 5 new episodes of Stargate Atlantis.
Did send a package with foodstuff from Holland but it hasn't arrived yet...bummer!!

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