Full House
My apologies for causing some of you anxieties and withdrawal symptoms by not keeping my weblog up to date. It's been more than 10 days and that really has been the longest ever. Never realized how many do read my weblog.
Thank you all for the mails expressing concern about my well-being and yes I'm OK Just didn't have anything interesting to say. I know that sounds odd coming from a person who thinks that he always has something (interesting) to say......

Paul Janssen, being Paul Janssen, decided that since it was Queen's day the room needed decorating with small flags !!!

This weekend is "Tall Ships Weekend" here and basically it is a smaller version of Sail 2005 in Amsterdam. But some great Japanese ships are here like the Nihon Maru 日本丸 and the Kaiwo Maru 海王丸 . They are all lit up so perfect for pictures. Alex asked for a free poster which is now our one and only decoration in the living room of appartment 501.

Just for your info from left to right.: Yang Xiang a.k.a. Shanghai Tony, Akitaka and Mai from Nagasaki, Alex, Diana and her new love, Mitch, Saul from DC and Aki (my tutor) from Nagasaki.